WIC Week - Kelsy Sturzen

Meet Kelsy Sturzen — Tab/Commissioning Compliance Coordinator - Tukwila, WA


How did you get into the industry?

Kelsy's journey with HP began in March 2018 when she joined as a material handler in the warehouse. Over the years, she has demonstrated dedication and perseverance, steadily advancing within the company. Her interest in the industry stems from her upbringing, as both her father and stepfather were involved in related fields, with her father being a tile Mason and her stepfather being a General Contractor. Despite facing challenges along the way, including a full-time job at the Boys and Girls Club, Kelsy’s husband recognized her potential and encouraged her to pursue a trade career.

One of the standout experiences in Kelsy's career was her involvement in the iconic Space Needle project. Working amidst the Clear Glass Floors and Dust Fans provided a unique and thrilling experience she will never forget.

Share a favorite career memory

Kelsy's most memorable moment occurred when she was interviewed by a SMART International Union Representative and featured on YouTube. This recognition was a significant milestone in her career, affirming her dedication and expertise in the industry.

See the SMART News Video – Start at 5:57


What advice would you give a woman entering the industry? 

Here are some career tips from Kelsy:

Embrace Your Unique Perspective: Recognize that as a woman in the industry, you bring a valuable and different perspective to the table. Your communication style and openness can offer fresh insights and problem-solving approaches.

Prove Your Abilities Through Action: Show your colleagues that you are capable by putting in the work and taking on challenges head-on. The brothers and the sisters in the trade respect you more when you show them you can do it.

Stay Focused and Persistent: Stay committed to your goals, and don’t be deterred by obstacles or setbacks. Keep pushing forward, and don’t hesitate to advocate for yourself and your contributions.

Punctuality is Key: Remember the importance of punctuality. Arriving early at a job demonstrates reliability and professionalism. This simple habit can make a positive impression and contribute to your success. Kelsy’s motto is, “If you are on time, you are late; if you are early, you are on time.”

Seek Mentorship and Support: Don’t hesitate to seek guidance and mentorship from more experienced individuals in the field. Building relationships with your team and mentors can provide valuable insights and support as you navigate your career path.

Overall, entering the industry as a woman may come with its challenges, but by embracing your unique perspective, demonstrating your abilities, and staying focused on your goals, you can carve out a successful and fulfilling career like Kelsy did.

 What is the best part of your job?

The variety in the job is one of the most enjoyable aspects for Kelsy. Each day presents a new challenge or task for Kelsy—her job is never boring. This constant change keeps her engaged and motivated. The variety not only keeps Kelsy on her toes but also provides opportunities for growth through new experiences and situations.

How can construction attract more female candidates?

Kelsy says it’s crucial to focus on increasing visibility like:

Job Fairs and Recruitment Events: Organize job fairs specifically to attract women to the construction industry. These events could showcase the diverse career paths available and connect potential candidates with employers.

Educational Outreach Programs: Partner with schools to provide information and resources about careers in construction. Visiting schools to conduct workshops, presentations, and hands-on activities can help break down stereotypes and inspire young women to consider the field.

What makes you proud of working in the construction industry?

Working in the construction industry brings a sense of pride to Kelsy, particularly in being part of the union and working for Holaday-Parks. She takes pride in the benefits provided by her union membership, and she values the support of her team, whom she considers her “brothers and sisters."

Kelsy is committed to finding future solutions— like the wave of retirees that may create a workforce shortage. She understands the importance of attracting and training the next generation of construction workers to ensure the industry continues to thrive.

What motivates you to work hard?

Kelsy’s motivation to work hard stems from her upbringing and the challenges her family faced. She understands the importance of success and what it means to provide for her family. This drive to create a better life for herself and her family is a powerful motivator, pushing her to work diligently and strive for success in her career.

What is your favorite piece of construction equipment?

Kelsy's favorite piece of construction equipment is the forklift. Having worked in the warehouse, she developed a fondness for operating this versatile (and fun!) machine.

THANKS, Kelsy, for the great insights and for all you do for HP!

Holaday-Parks is one of the largest full-service mechanical contractors in Washington and Alaska. We design, build, enhance, and service high-quality building solutions that are SMARTSustainable, Measurable, Affordable, Reliable, and Timely. To learn more about how we can help with your next project, contact us HERE


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